Metropolitan Officials Associations
Founded 1962
History of the Metropolitan Officials Association
The Metropolitan Officials Association was founded in 1962 through the efforts of four prominent high school basketball coaches,Wilford Bonner, Gerald Butler, Jim Foreman, Larry Hawkins and, a basketball official, Malcolm Hemphill. The MOA then consisted of 10 members. Through their tireless efforts, hard work and determination those few members grew the MOA into the largest minority sports officials’ association in the country. Today’s membership is in excess of 100 members and has become an integral participant in programs and clinics sponsored by the Illinois High School Association, Illinois Official Association and the Intra Association Council of Athletic Officials. Through the early effort of the MOA, minority officials in the Chicagoland area sphere of services expanded to the suburban conference as well as in the neighboring states of Indiana, Wisconsin and Ohio and Georgia, Texas and Florida. The Metropolitan Officials Association is dedicated to producing highly-skilled, mechanically and professionally sound sports officials who are grounded in the knowledgeof the rules of their respective sports. Since its beginning, the MOA has spawned top officials in every level of football, basketball, baseball, including the NCAA Divisions I, II, III, NAIA,and Junior colleges. Our officials have advanced to professional levels in the NFL, USFL, WFL, Arena Football, NCAA, CBA,WNBA, NBA and the Internation Pro-Am. We continue to serve as the catalyst which produces quality officials by providing and promoting training and development.
Wilford Bonner
Gerald Butler
Jim Foreman
Larry Hawkins
Malcolm Hemphill
Honorary Members
L.T. Bonner (deceased) Nathaniel Humphrey (deceased)
James Capers John McClendon (deceased)
Mel Chappel Harold Mitchell
Danny Crawford Richard Reels
Eugene Crawford Richard Richardson
Marc Davis Herb Smith
Forest Harris Art Sykes
Malcolm Hemphill Art White
Lenoard Hunt (deceased)